July 18, 2011

kale chips

I like a lot of healthy food but I have one bad habit, an addiction to chips. All throughout the day I find myself grabbing a few chips. So several months ago when I heard everyone talking about Kale Chips I was hoping this would be my answer to finding a healthy chip. Trader Joe's sells it in a bag, cleaned and dried which saves a lot of work. One thing I didn't do the first time I made this {as you can see in the photo} is take off the hard rib part and just roast the leaves. It tastes so much better if you take the time to do this. After that I put the Kale in a plastic bag with extra virgin olive oil and some garlic pepper and salt and shook until it was coated. Next, put it on a sheet pan, one layer in an 350 degree oven for about 12 minutes. When it starts getting a little brown on the tips you take it out. The flavor was amazing and it gets so deliciously crispy that these will definitely be able to replace those unhealthy chips.

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