brittany 4 months
This 4 month has been heaven for Brittany compared to the first three. She is starting to get a tiny tummy even though the hyperemesis has kept her pretty thin. She had her picc line removed and is taking her meds by mouth. Now and then she gets sick at night, mostly when she tries to do too much. The big ultrasound is coming in two weeks but she has decided to wait until the baby is born to find out the sex. Everyone seems to freak out when you tell them you are not finding out {even though that is how it used to always be}. It has certainly caused a few family members a lot of stress as they just seem unable to wait for the birth. Brittany and I spent the last week hanging out together, catching up and talking about baby plans. I love seeing her smile again and be able to enjoy life. I am so happy to have my daughter back!
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