Just finished packing for our vacation. We are flying out to Washington DC in the morning to spend two weeks with my daughter. I usually rely on lonely planet books for our trips. Not this time though as my daughter knows the city well after living there over a year. It will be great to have her show us all her favorite places. Danielle has always been way too far away from home since she went off to college, so having two whole weeks with her will be heaven! image: weheartit
Last year Noah was too little to have all the Easter fun he did this year. His favorites of the day.Digging in his basket to find chocolate, planes and cars. Having his first Easter egg hunt. Playing chase in the backyard and then at the end of the day getting a sweet goodbye kiss!
I need to buy a pair of Toms. I love them. When you buy a pair they give another pair to a child in need. This cute pair of Toms was bought by a girl who as you can see decorated them and sent them back to give to a needy child. So sweet!
Love these little boys room. One for when they are a baby and one when they get a little bigger. This nursery belongs to a baby boy but it could be for a girl too. It would be perfect for a mom that is waiting to find out the sex until the baby is born. There aren't to many moms that can stand to wait. I just happen to know one that is going to wait with her 2nd child. My daughter Brittany! 1st photo:via spearmint baby 2nd photo: via design mom