I found this new website Still Tasty via Serious Eats. I have an obsession with the shelf life of food. I am always googling about how long things last. Now I have one place to go that will answer all my questions. I love it! If you haven't seen Serious Eats you should go there too. It is a great food blog with tons of information and fun facts about food.
My youngest daughter and I were shopping for clothes for Noah this weekend. Little one's grow so fast, don't they. As we walked through Nordstrom's we spotted the first two pair of shoes. Oh, they looked so cute! We loved them even more when we tried them on. How perfect they would be with a little spring dress.The yellow pair by DKNYCIlove for spring too and you can find them here. Speaking of Nordstrom's one of my favorite places to eat is in their cafe. Their food is delicious, healthier then a lot of places and so inexpensive! Their sandwiches come with salad and you can order a half of sandwich and it is even cheaper. Two of my favorite items are the Santa Fe Chicken Sandwich and the Cilantro Salad.
What beautiful wedding photography from Allison Cox via Happy Day. I love the old fashioned look of this wedding dress with sleeves (something you don't see that often).My favorite thing of all about this wedding is her shoes. To die for!
Wow, this is an amazing idea for a little boy's birthday party! Caroline Armelle created this for her son's 2nd birthday. My grandson Noah's first birthday is coming up so I love seeing what other people come up with. Great inspiration! You can see all the details of the party here.
I love having totes around, they come in so handy. These green bags from The Crafty Pantry are the cutest ever! The first bag you can get personalized with your family name. Perfect to carry groceries or just about anything.
My family and friends know how much I love tea! I take it everywhere I go. I can't eat food without drinking a cup of tea. So I thought it was about time to have a tea related post. Here are some of my recent tea loves. 1. A lovely tea print by Jennifer Ramos stating the obvious. 2. A tea clock found on Etsy 3. A beautiful teakettle from William's-Sonoma which my daughter spotted on the set of the Martha Stewart show.
O my gosh, it ceases to amaze me what creative and cute idea's people are constantly coming up with! I love this baby shower invitation of Jessica's from Living the Swell Life. She took double sided paper and made it into a diaper, even with the safety pin.She then slipped the invitation inside. You can see how she did it here. While you are there take a peek at the cutest photo of her new baby boy.
This was my wallpaper in my kitchen in the 90's. Ugh, I can't believe I actually liked this back then. When I left this house I was done with wallpaper and never thought I would like it again. As I am seeing many of the new modern wallpaper designs, I might be changing my mind. Some of the new wallpaper is beautiful!
I read about this beautiful new food blog fresh 365 via simple song. I love the way she lists all the foods that are in season. I'm always trying to remember what's in season so I can eat foods that are fresh and have more flavor. Now I have a place to go to find out what is in season, with the added bonus of her recipe's and gorgeous photo's.
I love this idea from Heather at her wedding blog. She made activity books to give to the children attending her wedding. Having a big family we have weddings pretty often and I can see how this would be a great way to include the children and make them feel a special part of the day.
Now that I have a little one back in my life I wanted to find a good Easter book for children. My favorite was The Country Bunny with the Little Gold Shoes. This book was written in 1939, amazing how timeless it is. It tells the story of a little girl bunny who dreams of being selected to be the Easter Bunny. She grows up to be the mother of 21 baby bunnies and in caring for others she overcomes many obstacles. Through her struggles she manages to teach her bunnies to be responsible, wise and kind. This gave her the qualities to succeed and her dream came true as she was selected to be the Easter Bunny!
I was so excited to find a cute Easter Basket for my grandson Noah on his very first Easter. I love the orange car, just right for a little boy. A little bunny riding inside makes it perfect!
I first made this delicious Chinese Chicken Salad last year. It quickly became one of my favorites. It has asparagus and avocado in it, which makes it even more tasty then the typical Chinese Chicken Salad. Asparagus is in season right now, so its a perfect springtime salad. You can get the recipe here.